Debuggers are one of many tools available to assist developers in figuring out problems.Many of the ARM Cortex-M boards support a standard called CMSIS-DAP for hardware debugging. This is designed to let board makers provide a dedicated chip to facilitate communication between a debugger chip and a host. The debugger chip then commmincates to the actual CPU being debugged via other signals. Like all standards, implementation can be incomplete and buggy but if a board says it has CMSIS-DAP support, there’s a good chance it will “just work” for debugging. You could leave all the details to debuggers but it also turns out you can do many of these steps with CMSIS-DAP yourself. Being a debugger is also a great Halloween costume because you can do mysterious things to your device and also stay home. There is no candy involved unfortunately but knowledge is pretty sweet.

ARM has fairly detailed documentation on their website about how this works behind the scenes. At a very high level, you can write to the Debug Port and some number of Access Ports to affect the state of the chip. The actual detail of what’s implemented is given by ROM tables. A fairly common setup is a debug port and then a Memory Access Port (MEM-AP) per CPU.

There’s a Rust package called probe-rs to handle the communication and transport. It has abstractions to do things like read/write from memory but you can also implement the commands yourself at the DP/AP level. One of the first tasks everyone wants to do as a debugger is read memory. The CMSIS-DAP page even gives the commands you need to run to set it up:

use probe_rs::architecture::arm::{
    ap::{AddressIncrement, DataSize, CSW},
    ArmCommunicationInterface, ArmCommunicationInterfaceState, PortType,
use probe_rs::{DebugProbeError, Probe};

fn main() {
    let probes = Probe::list_all();
    let mut state = ArmCommunicationInterfaceState::new();
    let mut probe = probes[0].open().unwrap();

    // The ArmCommunicationInterface doesn't give DAP access but it's also
    // the only real way to enter debug mode so cheat and set it up but
    // then ignore it
    let _fake_face = ArmCommunicationInterface::new(&mut probe, &mut state)

    let interface = probe
        .ok_or_else(|| DebugProbeError::InterfaceNotAvailable("ARM"))

        .write_register(PortType::DebugPort, 0x8, 0x00000000)

    let old_csw_val = interface
        .read_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x0)

    let old_csw = CSW::from(old_csw_val);

    let mut new_csw = CSW::default();

    if old_csw.SPIDEN != 0 {
        new_csw.PROT = 0b010;
    } else {
        new_csw.PROT = 0b110;

    new_csw.CACHE = 0b11;

    new_csw.AddrInc = AddressIncrement::Single;

    new_csw.SIZE = DataSize::U32;

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x0, new_csw.into())

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x4, 0x0)

    let result = interface.read_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0xc);

    println!("read value {:x?}", result);

Breaking this down a little, we do some initial setup to get interface to actually let us write to the registers. This is pretty hacky because probe-rs doesn’t expose any of these ports directly but it’s good enough for experimentation purposes.

The first step is to make sure we’re accessing the correct access port with a write to the DebugPort SELECT register at address 0x8. This is described in detail in the manual but the trick here is that we’re selecting access port #0 and bank #0 of AP registers. Once that is written, we can actually access the AP registers.

The read consists of 3 steps: write the CSW at 0x0 to control our read request, write the TAR at 0x4 for what address we want to read and then read the result from the DRW register at 0xC. The CSW is the most interesting register for controlling how the access goes out on the bus.

Naturally after reading the next thing you would want to do is write. This is as easy as writing to DRW. A great example of something to write is the DHCSR . This register is responsible for halting the processor among other uses. So we can change the code to:

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x4, 0xE000EDF0)

    let result = interface.write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0xc, 0xA05F0003);

and the processor halts. Spooky!

“Okay but what about setting registers can you really do that with just read/write” Yes, there is a register for that too! The DCRSR is designed to do exactly that! You’ll get some odd behavior if you don’t halt the processor first but using that code plus the DCRDR you can read/write the CPU registers:

    // Put 0x1234 in the DCRDR
        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x0, new_csw.into())

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x4, 0xE000EDF8)

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0xc, 0x1234)

    // Write to r11
        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x0, new_csw.into())

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0x4, 0xE000EDF4)

        .write_register(PortType::AccessPort(0x0), 0xc, 0x1000b)

You can cross check it with either a read or attach another debugger that doesn’t reset the state and see the change you made.

This method of interacting with the debugger is probably not a good idea to use for anything other than toy code given other abstrations like probe-rs exist. It’s still very useful for learning what exactly is happening behind the scenes. Most of the code I gave should be common across multiple Cortex-M devices but always double check the manual for your particular board/processor.

Happy haunting of your spooky devices!